Monday, 24 February 2014

Selenium Webdriver Tutorial in Java

In this tutorial on Selenium in Java, we are going to look at below topics.
  1. Introduction
  2. Selenium Architecture
  3. Webdriver JSON Wire protocol
  4. InstallationSelenium + Eclipse + Jar ,  Maven + Selenium , IntelliJ + selenium + gradle
  5. Browsers - Launching various browsers like IE, Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, HtmlUnit
  6. CapabilitiesSelenium Webdriver Capabilities Significance
  7. Basic operations - Closing browser window, Navigating to url, Getting window title, Maximizing browser window, Navigate back and forward, How to get current url, How to refresh page, How to get html source code of current page, Resizing and moving browser window
  8. Element identification - Element Identification methods, Check if element really exists on page , Check if pop up really exists on page
  9. Element operationsClicking buttons, links or any other web elements , Entering data in text boxes , Selecting the value from the web list , Reading all items or values from the drop down box , Selecting the check box , Reading the value from the list box , Uploading file , Verify if button is disabledVerify if button is enabled , Verify if check box is selectedVerify if radio button is selected, Verify if element is displayed on web pageReading any attribute value , Reading CSS value , Press Tab key using Selenium,  Press Enter F1 key in Selenium, Press control, shift and delete keys in Selenium, Clearing data from text box, Verify if any text is present
  10. Synchronization - Adding synchronization points - (implicit wait, explicit wait, wait until page loads), How to avoid Thread.Sleep in Selenium , wait until element is displayedWait Conditions,   wait until element disappearswait until page title changescheck if element existsFluent Wait
  11. Advanced XPATH and CSS expressionsAdvanced XPATH expressions to identify the elements , Finding relative elements using XPATH,  Advanced CSS expressions
  12. Working with tablesReading table cell value , Reading data from web tables , Finding total number of rows and columns
  13. Window related things - Uploading a file, Downloading file
  14. Actions Performing drag and drop action , Double clicking the web elementPerforming mouse hover action , Opening context menu (right clicking) on webpage
  15. ExceptionsExceptions in SeleniumCommon errors and exceptions 
  16. Switching contextHandling multiple browser windows (tabs) , Handling alerts (modal dialogs) , Switching to framesHandling window dialog in Selenium , Switching to default content
  17. JavascriptExecutorExecuting custom Javascript , How to scroll to element in Selenium , Click not working Selenium, Enter data in text box using JavaScriptSelecting drop down value using JavaScript
  18. Frameworks with seleniumKeyword driven frameworks in Selenium , Reading and writing data in excel filePage object and factory modelsJUnit and SeleniumTestNG with Selenium , Data driven, Hybrid, Framework Utilities (Killing processes, date and time operations, String conversions, Random numbers, Generating uniue random numbers), Taking a screenshot in Selenium , Logging framework in Selenium, Advanced reporting using screenshots and videos
  19. BDD frameworks - JBehave, Cucumber, Gauge
  20. Miscellaneous - xvfb and vnc in selenium, Setting Proxy, Selenium IDE, Chrome plugin to create page object models, Hide and Minimize the browser, EventListeners in Selenium
  21. Integration with CI servers - TeamCity, Jenkins, Bamboo
  22. Selenium in Cloud - SauceLabs and BrowserStack
  23. Mobile application testing  - Appium (Android and iOS web/native/hybrid applications), Mobile emulation using chrome, Selendroid
  24. Selenium gridRemoteWebdriver in SeleniumSelenium Grid
  25. Comparing selenium with other toolsDifference between Selenium Webdriver and UFT (QTP) , Difference between Selenium and UFT, Difference between Selenium and Lean FT,  Difference between Selenium and Appium
  26. Challenges in Selenium automation - Limitations of SeleniumHandling windows dialog using AutoIT

Selenium Interview questions and answers in Java
  1. Basic Selenium Interview Questions
  2. Advanced Selenium Interview Questions
What do you think on above selenium topic. Please provide your inputs and comments. You can write to me at

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